Thursday, July 19, 2012

Labor & Delivery-My Should Have Could Haves

Before having your baby, because there is so much information to overwhelm you before your little one arrives go ahead and right out the top 3-5 things that you consider priority and really spend time learning about those things. I ended up knowing what was important to me and then in the end only focusing and spending most of my time on the things that, in the end, didn't mean the most. Keep your eye on the prize!!!

My list would have went like this.....
1-Pitocin (did not want and now have had a difficult time breastfeeding due to it)
2-Breastfeeding (let too many people tell me that-"oh, who knows if you will even be able to"-haters!)
3-Epidural (could have went without it longer and could have pressed the button less-should have set boundaries before listening to everyone stuck to my guns before going into full steam ahead for one-not to say that I wouldn't have gotten one just that I would have known that the less I pushed the pump for more, the more feeling of pushing that I would have had).
4-The essentials for him (diapering, bedding, stroller, car seat, a few onesies, detergent for him, etc.)
5-Essentials for me/hubby (moby wrap, breast pads, quick dinner ideas, nursing bras, comfortable tops and bottoms, small/quick healthy snacks (since you burn calories, you snack more between feedings), relaxing music, great water bottle(personal water pitcher, GOOD SNACKS FOR HUBBY-HE WAS SO TIRED AND UNDERFED THAT HE ALMOST PASSED OUT), etc.

Turned out more like this...
1-Need this, that, and the other for him (everything!!!!!!!!!-I made sure that he had everything-everything that he barely even needs right now)
2-Clean house (messy by 1st day)
3-Organization of his stuff/my apartment (so much of it that forgot where most of it went and was so tired that it didn't matter)
4-Labor pains-techniques for coping
5-Researching when to know when you are in labor (dude, you know!)

You know you and what is important to you- Stick to that. People have plenty of opinions and will continue to even once he is here (they will confuse you-yes, even the medical staff will have opposing opinions and ideas). You were meant to do this, trust the your maker knew your baby and you and placed you together for a reason! Remember that!